Meet Our Team

Fresh Since 2020

a legacy of barbers

 Traditional Barbers & Premium Services

With over 20 years of combined experience, our team of licensed barbers and apprentices here at Boricua Blendz Barbershop bring a crafted skill level to the shop. We pride ourselves in our legacy of professional styles customers leave with each and every day. While we have different ways of achieving premium results, there is never a  bad chair to sit in with our barbershop. 

open hours

Sunday: 10am – 5pm

Monday – Friday: 9am – 7pm

Saturday: 10am – 5pm



Isaias C.

Isaias C.


Isaias Cortes is a young entrepreneur giving the people of the white mountains the quality they desire. With 10 years of experience his drive for legacy and ambition spearheads customer service, quality , and efficiency leading to a premium result. With an ever changing industry Mr. Cortes desires to bring premium products with a team of greatly ambitious individuals who are more than ecstatic to take on the challenge.

Shawna Y.

Barber/ Stylist

Shawna, a six year veteran who’s determined to reach her highest potientals. Giving customers not only an amazing service but give them an over amazing experience from behind the chiar! She wants to leave her legacy as sharp, kind, and ready to give you some of the best quality on the mountain!

Ezequiel E.

Ezequiel E.


Ezequiel known for his great work ethic and banter. Retired from a previous career as a head chef, he is stepping up to the standards of the premium shop and learning the craft of classic barber skills. over time Ezequiel plans on continuing his new career as a barber and establishing a legacy of working on satisfying  customers. 

Dion P.

Dion P.


Quiet with a big heart, Dion has won clients with his great services, stand up character, and consistency behind the chair. With Passing our apprentice program Dion is now determined to bring his very best in hospitality and quality to the mountain. 

Karla M.

Karla M.

Barber/ Stylist

Driven, competitive, and compassionate Karla is the go too for any challenge you give her. 

Kevin A.

Kevin A.

Barber/ Stylist

A former Paul Mitchell grduate Kevin has moved to the white mountains to live a simpler yet fufilling life. Mastering his craft, Kevin is ready to servces you with a smile!

Richard C.

Richard C.

Apprentice in Training

Charasmatic, energetic, and ready to bring qaulity hairucts to the moutian; Richard Cortes is your go to apprentice for a great conversation, great haircut, at an very great price!

Alejandro C.

Alejandro C.

Apprentice in Training

Former Product specialist Alejandro has devoted his efforts in learning how master the art of making you look the version of yourself.

Book A Chair

Your Professional Experience Starts With Dedicated Time From One Of Our Team Members: